Welcome People Of The Media and Press!
Christopher Marlowe, wounded child of the angels, you are made immortal with a kiss.
The Lee Vidor Shakespeare-X Message Press Conference, Live From Easter Island.
With the release of the Shakespeare-X Message some of the things on this press and media page no longer apply. It's easy enough to tell which ones. I have left this page standing intact as it has been since December 2010. That's how far behind the press and media are on this incredible story.
With the public release of the Shakespeare-X Message, many aspects of the Lee Vidor Shakespeare-X Web Site Project have been abandoned. You can read about that here:
The Beautiful Ruins Of The Shakespeare-X Web Site Project.
Now I'm off doing other things. All of them also magical.
Media and Press Page. December, 2010.
Let me begin by assuring you that there is quite a story to be had here. It may not be an easy story to get, and it may take quite a while to get it. But there is sensation to be had and headlines to be grabbed. Eyeballs will spin before this is over. Lots and lots of them.
The Shakespeare-X Message is authentic and not a hoax. It is exactly as described in the pages of this web site. It is truly dazzling.
Shakespeare-X is the greatest genius who has ever walked the face of the earth. An intellectual giant. I was humbled by the breadth of vision and inspiration implied by the Shakespeare-X Message. And I’m not that easy to humble.
Impatient people can immediately read more about the Shakespeare-X Message here:
A Brief Recap Of The Breaking Story
The news story is that the Shakespeare authorship question has finally been conclusively resolved after 400 years of confusion and debate.
Impossible to believe, I'd say.
All of academia and all the literary historians and critics have had it wrong for 400 years.
Every single one of them.
Careers are going to be ruined and reputations tarnished. And unfortunately I suspect academic scholars and literary historians will seek to make this a battle to the death.
But it is not a battle they can win. The mathematics of the Shakespeare-X Message are unassailable.
Still, some people claim the world is flat.
Here Shakespeare Contenders is a concise Wikipedia overview of the authorship debate, which is fascinating and has involved speculation by the most famous men in history, including Einstein, Freud, Twain, Dickens, Henry James, and almost everybody else of intellectual renown.
Quotes on the subject of Shakespearean Authorship from famous men are quite plentiful via Google. The best of them can be found here on the LeeVidor.com site.
Here are the salient points of the Shakespeare-X story so far.
I am Lee Vidor, writer, artist and cartoon angel.
The name Vidor is pronounced, 'Veedor'. Among sophisticated people at least. That's us of course. The name Lee is prounounced, 'Lee'. Among civilized human beings.
I have uncovered a definitive secret message from William Shakespeare to the world, a statement declaring true identity and the reason for the authorship imposture. William Shakespeare did not write the literary works attributed to his name.
The Shakespeare-X Message forms a mathematical proof rather than a disputable conjecture of opinion. It leaves no doubt whatsoever as to the identity of the real author. The messages is everything a Shakespeare lover could hope for.
The Shakespeare-X Message is clear and its mathematics are unassailable. The Shakespeare-X Message supercedes everything that has been known, thought and written in all of human history regarding the person William Shakespeare.
All of it.
Read more about the actual Shakespeare-X Message here :Shakespeare-X Message.
Lee Vidor is a novelist writing fiction books on the subject of artists and bohemians, and the development of 20th Century Modernism.
On how our contemporary world was created.
Also on the themes of love, sex, death, art and the bohemian milieus in which they inspired artistic greatness.
Lee Vidor is not writing a book on Shakespeare or the Shakespeare-X Message. So don't ask.
Lee Vidor's novel cycle, 20th Century Bohemians and Angels, is an extended work of fiction which explores the Modernist Renaissance of the 20th Century, and the artists who created it.
Lee Vidor is the first person to define and explore the 20th Century as a Modernist Renaissance. This is the Lee Vidor Theory of The 20th Century Modernist Renaissance. Lee Vidor is the originator of this concept.
You can read a brief essay on this subject here: Modernist Renaissance.
Lee Vidor visual art works are also available for sale on this website at extremely high prices to international art collectors and museums. They are beautiful, mysterious and provocative works of art. Lee Vidor Fine Art.
Lee Vidor is offering the Shakespeare-X Message for corporate publicity sponsorship for a fee of $150M dollars.
This makes the Shakespeare-X Message the most expensive work of art in the history of the world.
The Shakespeare-X Message carries a 1000 year money back guarantee for sponsors. (See 7. below for details.)
You can find more on the subject here: The rarest thing in the world.
As of this writing the most expensive work of art ever sold is a painting by Gustav Klimt, Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I from 1907, which was sold to a New York art gallery in 2006 for $135 Million.
On the day Klimt painted this portrait, the Shakespeare-X Message was already 300 years old.
I think Klimt would have traded his painting for a secret message from William Shakespeare. The only message to the world from Shakespeare, sent down through the ages.
Gustav Klimt was a talented artist, but is he really Shakespeare?
Shakespeare is virtually the deepest cornerstone of our sense of civilization. If any man built civilization it is Shakespeare. He taught us what it is to be human. He showed us what takes place inside the minds of other people. That other people have souls and dreams like our own. Imagine how many lives have been saved from murder and barbarity by this knowledge. Hundreds of millions.
I doubt anyone could afford to pay the true sponsorship marketing value of the Shakespeare-X Message. Which I'd estimate at perhaps three times the market value of the Mona Lisa.
Which would place it around $600M to $1 Billion.
That's how remarkable and important a thing it is.
The rarest thing in the world.
The $150M corporate sponsorship fee for the global announcement of the Shakespeare-X Message will be used to fund the non profit Shakespeare-X Literary Foundation.
The Shakespeare-X Literary Foundation will seek to establish a new publishing and marketplace model for literary writers.
In the longer term the Shakespeare-X Foundation may also begin to support artists working in other creative fields. We support all the arts unreservedly.
As planned, the immediate goal of the Foundation will be to discover and nurture new literary talent worldwide, and to restore currently established literary writers to the center of our world culture, a position they have traditionally occupied through all time, until the advent of today’s celebrity culture. The quality of our societal debate will benefit immesurably from this restoration.
Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Yahoo have all been invited to make the first bids for corporate sponsorship of The Shakespeare-X Message and Foundation, because their future success depends on the future health of the mature world wide web.
Also because they make their profits from the endeavors of the artists and writers who supply the web with their creativity.
And finally because these global corporations all have more money than they know what to do with, which is embarrassing for them. Most of these corporations have revenues of one billion dollars per week.
Lee Vidor has some very good ideas for what can be done with this excess capital.
Money Back Guarantees from Lee Vidor.
The $150M sponsorship fee for the Shakespeare-X Message and the Shakespeare-X Literary Foundation carries an unconditional and full money back guarantee if contracted sponsors are in any way unhappy with the contents of the Shakespeare-X Message, once it is confidentially disclosed to them.
Furthermore Lee Vidor guarantees the fame, relevance and brilliance of the works of William Shakespeare for a period of not less than 1000 years.
Yes, that's a 1000 year guarantee.
Lee Vidor also guarantees that the Shakespeare-X Proof will be accepted teaching in the major universities of the West, within a period of 1-5 years. Although in practice, one or perhaps two years will be a more likely time frame for forward thinking institutions.
Lee Vidor further guarantees that she will still look fabulous in sponsors' advertising campaigns 1000 years from now. Just as radiant and lovely as she looks today.
There is a website Shakespeare-X Message Clue Puzzle created specially by Lee Vidor for sale to those who wish to test their imaginative and reasoning skills against hers, in order to win an exclusive secret clue to the Shakespeare-X Message.
The puzzle will give people an indication of the kind of mind required to solve the Shakespeare-X Message.
People are curious about that kind of thing, and nobody else has solved it in 400 years after all. Now people can discover if they might have solved it themselves.
The puzzle costs $3 or $4, only on this website, is amusing, and is probably too hard for you. Try it and see.
Please don't print any of the questions in your articles though. I had to create them specially. Which is not as easy as it sounds here in the age of Google. People like to cheat.
Oh and absolutely don't give away the secret which lies inside the puzzle!! That's an important surprise..
Anyone who solves the puzzle will receive an extremely exclusive Shakespeare-X Message clue, and a personal email from Lee Vidor. Which may not be friendly if she thinks you solved it too fast and are a smartypants.
Shakespeare-X Message Clue Puzzle
Please notice that there is no advertising whatsoever anywhere on LeeVidor.com. Almost the only website on the entire internet with fewer Google ads than this one, is the Google homepage.
Did I mention that Lee Vidor is the only person in 400 years to solve the Shakespeare-X Message?
No one else did at all.
And just think how many really smart people there have been.
Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were distracted solving the universe of course, but still...
Only Lee Vidor actually solved Shakespeare-X.
What a darn smartypants!
Photographs and Videos of Lee Vidor
The Lee Vidor Shakespeare-X Message Press Conference, Live From Easter Island.
Here are photographs of Lee Vidor, Media photos Lee, which you may use at no charge to accompany media and press news stories. None of these photographs are licensed for any other commercial use of any type.
You may also embed or link to the videos on the Lee Vidor Vimeo channel. Lee Vidor Videos.
These videos are not licensed for commercial use of any type, other than by news reporting organizations.
Please do not link to this Press & Media page, it is not a public page. Use this page instead Lee Vidor Videos. Or embed directly from the Lee Vidor videos on the Vimeo site.
Video advertisng of any type may not be attached to precede Lee Vidor videos without prior licensing agreement. Your use of any Lee Vidor videos at no charge indicates your acceptance of this legal copyright restriction.
More photos of Lee Vidor will be made available to the media when the priority of it rises high enough. Their availability will be announced in the news pages.
I have an amusing and eccentric collection of them.
None nude. So don't ask.
What is currently available is only a temporary and somewhat impoverished archive.
Media Acknowledgements
Please include in your articles active links to this site, LeeVidor.com. We are defined as a web community for professional literary writers and artists in all media.
Lee Vidor requests that you refer to the ‘Shakespeare-X Message’ by this complete name rather than merely ‘the message’.
The correct title of the mathematical proof is the ‘Lee Vidor Shakespeare-X Proof.’
Please always refer to Lee Vidor as ‘Lee Vidor’ and not Vidor. That just sounds so ugly. I hate that. I’m a beautiful and charming angel after all. And a lady.
You may also refer to me as, Lee, cartoon angel, Lee Vidor, or sexy angel, Lee Vidor, or beautiful romantic angel, Lee Vidor, how I adore her so desperately..
We also accept other complimentary adjectives. Feel free to improvise on these above.
I secretly like to be to be called ‘Angel in shades, Lee Vidor.’ Omg that gets you kissed!
Please mention Lee Vidor's novels when possible.
All of them are well written and sexy and moving and entertaining and really really deep. Brilliant too. And very inexpensive.
The first 3 novels published by Shakespeare-X are available on Amazon.com, and perhaps also for immediate download on this site.
Lee Vidor's Exciting Author Page On Amazon
Review copies are available by paying actual money. Put them on expenses. We need the money here. Samples are free. Also quite long. You can find samples from 7 novels on this website or 3 on Amazon.com.
Lee Vidor Novels
Lee Vidor is a novelist writing fiction books on the subject of artists and bohemians, and the development of 20th Century Modernism. On how our contemporary world was created.
Also on the themes of love, sex, death, art and the bohemian milieus in which they inspired artistic greatness.
Lee Vidor's novel cycle, 20th Century Bohemians and Angels, is an extended work of fiction which explores the Modernist Renaissance of the 20th Century, and the artists who created it.
Lee Vidor is the first person to define and explore the 20th Century as a Modernist Renaissance. This is the Lee Vidor Theory of The 20th Century Modernist Renaissance. Lee Vidor is the originator of this concept.
You can read a brief essay on this subject here: Modernist Renaissance.
Each of the 12 books in the 20th Century Bohemians and Angels novel cycle is a complete and independent story involving different characters. The novel cycle can be read in any order.
On this web site you can read free excerpts from 7 Lee Vidor novels, including 5 from the upcoming 20th Century Bohemians and Angels novel cycle.
Read Novel Excerpts here on the Lee Vidor Novels page.
The Auschwitz Chapter
One of these novel excerpts is known as the The Auschwitz Chapter
This is a brief but precise and definitive historical record of the events which took place in Auschwitz concentration camp during WW2.
I spent 2 years researching the 15 pages which comprise the chapter. I read everything that is available in the historical record, every first person account that exists and could be found. I don't recommend you attempt this yourself. It is extremely harrowing.
The Auschwitz Chapter is being offered, completely free and without licensing fee, for unedited publication in all school, college or university text books around the world.
You can read it here: The Auschwitz Chapter.
Or you can buy it on Amazon.com until they make it free there. Currently it is a bestselling Amazon title at 99cents. This work is not suitable for reading by anyone under the age of 16. It is harrowing, extremely authentic and damn shocking.
I'd appreciate that The Auschwitz Chapter be mentioned in articles in order that worldwide educational institutions can come to know of it. The piece is being offered free of licensing fee to educational publishers anywhere in the world. It is a very serious piece of work which I believe is of value now and in the future.
News Link and Updates
There is a special Latest News link placed on top right of this and most other pages for your convenience. I intend to use this system to provide an ongoing list of new pages appearing on the site. This should keep you updated efficiently once things settle a little.
I hope to add additional information and updates to this site regularly, perhaps even each day. I envisage this story breaking for several weeks/months at least. Also I currently intend to use Twitter freely.
Scholarly accusations and hard cash are going to be flying for a long time. Perhaps even a year.
And in the end there will be an announcement of astonishing worldwide interest..
Future and Breaking News
I may continue to also issue press releases, although I may not. If you did not receive one today, then you probably won't receive any in the future.
Either way I plan to use the LeeVidor.com website as my primary means of communication. With Twitter in support of it.
It’s a dynamic news story which may take many turns and I’m not that satisfied with the PR services available on the web. Your news desks and media departments seem to be swamped under a torrent of trivia from paid PR agencies. My commiserations.
In any case, my press releases, if they exist, will always feature the name Lee Vidor in the title, to assist your searches. And they will never be dull.
Additional Information & Quotes:
On The Shakespeare-X Message:
'But information wants to be free! ' - This piece of information doesn't. This piece wants to be the most expensive piece of information in the history of the world. That's why it hid for 400 years.
'These days people often claim that information wants to be free, but the Shakespeare-X Message doesn't. That's why it hid for 400 years. The Shakespeare-X Message doesn't want to be free, it wants to be the most expensive piece of information in the history of the world.'
'The Shakespeare-X Message is the Jewel of the Information Age.'
'The Shakespeare-X Message is everything a Shakespeare lover could hope for.'
'The Shakespeare-X Message opens up a new universe of Shakespearean scholarship.'
'After the Shakespeare-X Message is announced to the world, for the rest of human history, Lee Vidor is going to be the colorful parrot sitting on Shakespeare's shoulder.'
'The Shakespeare-X Message is utterly unique. As a work of art it is rarer and more valuable than the Mona Lisa. As a cultural meme it is unsurpassed in importance to Western civilization. And as a magical secret it is pretty darn good too. A gossip would pay a fortune for it. I know I would.'
'Actually I doubt anyone could afford to pay the true sponsorship marketing value of the Shakespeare-X Message. Which I'd estimate at perhaps three times the market value of the Mona Lisa. Which would place it around $1-2 Billion.'
'In truth it's quite a bargain at $150M, for its corporate publicity value alone.'
'In terms of advertising publicity, there has never been anything as magnificently astounding as the Shakespeare-X Message, there's simply nothing to compare it to. You'd have to publicly burn the Mona Lisa to equal the global sensation value which the announcement of the Shakespeare-X Message will generate.' Although burning the Mona Lisa in public is not something I'd recommend as a corporate branding strategy.'
On Lee Vidor Novels:
The novel Under Total Eclipse We Will Tremble Like Birds Without Song, includes a short but precise and definitive historical record of the events which took place in Auschwitz concentration camp during WW2.
The Auschwitz Chapter is being offered, completely free and without licensing fee, for unedited publication in all school, college or university text books around the world. You can read it here. The Auschwitz Chapter.
Three Lee Vidor novels are currently published by Shakespeare-X Foundation on this website and on Amazon.com USA, UK and Germany.
The titles are:
And We Will Be Formless And Sacred As The Ocean.
Under Total Eclipse We Will Tremble Like Birds Without Song.
Love Is A Simple Thing,The Sound Of A Cello Singing.
Love Is A Simple Thing,The Sound Of A Cello Singing is the first published novel of the 12 volume, 20th Century Bohemians and Angels novel cycle.
This novel cycle explores the 20th Century Modernist Renaissance, covering the evolution of Modernism through the entire 20th Century.
On Lee Vidor Art Works
Lee Vidor is an artist as well as a writer and cartoon angel.
The first published novel from the 20th Century Bohemians and Angels novel cycle is currently being offered in the form of a limited edition signed manuscript art work, to international art collectors at the price of $20,000. No, that's not a typo. It's a work of art and I'm an artist. This is a unique sculptural art object which is also a signed Lee Vidor novel manuscript. I know it's expensive for a paperback.
Although I am also famous for the next 1500 years, thanks to the Shakespeare-X Message.
For the rest of human history I'm going to be the colorful parrot sitting on Shakespeare's shoulder. How many other contemporary artists will be known for that long? Will people even still know Elvis in 1500 years? There is a strong possibility that my name is the only currently living name they will know in the distant future. Big Bad John, the Sexy Singing Blacksmith was huge in 600 AD, but where is he now?
On The Shakespeare-X Foundation:
As I'm sure you understand, I am attempting to do something extremely difficult in setting up a new publishing model for writers and artists. This is something they desperately require if they are not to go extinct as a professional class. Publishers have failed to maintain literary writing as a viable career and virtually no writers are able to live solely from their writing now. Least of all literary writers.
The Shakespeare-X Foundation is prepared to remedy this situation by opening up a new marketplace and marketing model.
Literature and art are not a public service, any more than journalism is. We must both be paid for our work, if it is to be good work.
The web cannot survive without properly paid creators, any more than journalism can survive without paid journalists. Things are becoming very serious financially for independent artists.
The internet simply must learn to pay a reasonable price for quality work. We cannot maintain an advancing civilization with an amateur culture and an amateur news media. This will create a world run on rumor and superstition, which is a very dangerous thing.
If you look around this website you will find answers to most of the questions you have pertaining to the writing of a long, fascinating and informative article on Lee Vidor and Shakespeare-X.
I have tried to make the site enjoyable and accessible for the general public, while still being directed towards high level professional artists and writers. And very very scary for literary academics too.
Despite the seriousness of the subjects under discussion, and of my own literary intentions, I’ve tried to make it all entertaining. Art should never be dull.
You may quote any jokes or remarks you find amusing. But not the one about the man hunting the talking parrot, if you find it. I really like that one.
Currently there is a total of perhaps 1500 pages written by Lee Vidor available for reading on this site. This includes the 3 novels which are available for purchase.
In the coming year or so a further 1000 novel pages will be made available for reading and download. And then the same amount in the year after that.
I hope that before long the Writers & Artists discussion Salons, and the Shakespeare Wiki will also add several thousand more fascinating and controversial pages to the site.
Many of the most important and famous writers and artists in the world have been sent invitations to join in the live Google Wave Salon discussions, impolitely moderated by Lee Vidor.
It's my hope that everyone who loves literature and art will come to this website to see this group of remarkable writers publicly discuss the problems facing the literary novel and the publishing industry in general.
My intention is that LeeVidor.com will become an important social community for the global arts.
I particularly recommend you view at a bare minimum the following few site pages in order to be initially briefed on everything: But there is a great deal more than this to be seen for pleasure and amazement. And insight.
Lee Vidor Blog - My 1500 Years of Fame
Lee Vidor Writer & Artist Salons
Serious Fun - Saving The World Issues
Lee Vidor Interviews
The Lee Vidor Shakespeare-X Message Press Conference, Live From Easter Island.
I am fantastically busy at the moment dealing with the organization of this project and the ensuing publicity arising from the dazzling and controversial Shakespeare-X Message.
I also have my own writing work to do which is very demanding, and my private life too, here in the happy cartoon world of colorful but noisy creatures. Omg the constant squeaking and boinging is a nightmare! How they all love to fight!
I am also preparing for war being declared against me by every literary academic in the known world. That’s a lot of professors professing. You try fighting the entire faculty of Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Yale all at the same time. Fortunately MIT and Caltech are on my side.
And of course, I suspect quite a few eccentrics may also appear, loudly insisting on having their say.
Generally I have said almost all I am able to say at this time, and you will find most things covered here on the website.
If you have additional questions please only use this email link: Media Contact , if you are to hope for a reply.
Don't feel neglected if I am unable to reply. My email inbox is under an avalanche of requests these days. Also I am seriously considering a very long vacation in a very obscure spot.
Do select your message heading with care in order to catch my eye. News organization affiliations are always helpful.
If you do manage to reach me, I am famed for my spectacular quotability.
I really can't guarantee replies though, things may immediately get out of hand. Probably even. You do have my support and sympathy though.
Currently I am unavailable for personal interviews, although I intend to publish one for press use before too long on this site. Please follow the Latest News Page in order to redact from it.
It will be entitled Lee Vidor Interviews Lee Vidor. And that is what it will be, so expect a good deal of squabbling and provocation.
In my news briefs I'll also try to answer the major public questions arising amidst the undoubted controversy.
It may be possible, under certain conditions, for live animated broadcast interviews with Angel Lee Vidor to eventually be made available. Circumstances of the breaking story will dictate immediate events.
Lee Vidor is an extremely telegenic subject, as you can see here:
Lee Vidor Trances Heavenly
On Vimeo With Sound and Good Quality
Lee Vidor Trances Heavenly
Lee Vidor Trances Heavenly download and save for Media use only (Large, 14 Mb):
Lee Vidor Trances Heavenly for peeking at when the Vimeo streaming does not function properly. (Small, 6 Mb):
The Lee Vidor Youtube Video Channel:
That's All Folks.
That's all for now folks. Stay in touch!
Oh and write an optimistic and friendly article please. I know you live in a cynical world but magic is...
It's scarce and we all desperately need it in our lives.
P.S. Lastly.. At Last.
I’m a writer so allow me to suggest some possible headlines for your news stories. Feel free to use them, if any charm you.
Shakespeare Sends Secret Message To The World.
Cartoon Angel Gets Secret Message From Shakespeare.
Cartoon Angel In Real Life Da Vinci Code Incident.
The Lee Vidor Code.
Mysterious Cartoon Angel In Shades Appears!
Lee Vidor: Cartoon Angel Or Cruel Cartoon Hoaxer?
Sexy Angel Shocks World!
Sexy Angel Shocks Cartoon Self!
Flying Babe Hits Albatross!
Shakespeare Speaks. Whispers Really.
Shakespeare’s Last Secret
Shakespeare's Final Drama
Shakespeare Seduces Flying Cartoon Angel!
Lee Vidor, Bride Of Shakespeare
Shakespeare Gets Noisy Parrot.
Shakespeare's New Girlfriend
William Shakespeare Dates Cartoon Angel
